LAJUV-SV (English)


The LAJUV-SV is the mother of Youth Associations of St. Vincent, as this is made for them and represents them nationally and internationally. It is an association independent of all party organizations, religious or other nature, non-profit organization composed of young people and aims at training and development of youth and youth associations.

The LAJUV-SV aims to develop cooperation and solidarity between the youth associations on the basis of the implementation of initiatives related to the problems of youth, foster youth training with a view to their social integration and better training of Youth Associations; Promote Exchange and cooperation with associations, national and international organizations that pursue the same objectives.

The LAJUV-SV existed since 2005, have legal personality since February 8, 2008 III of 6 and now account for 56 youth associations in different areas of social intervention, such as: Cultural Associations / Recreation, Community, Fishers, religion and sports. The LAJUV-SV is an organization strong, cohesive and with great manageability. It has a leading position among the youth groups of St. Vincent, with a contribution of value to them, aiming to boost the youth in Mindelense with a greater capacity to dare to introduce and develop young leaders and entrepreneurs, since the vast strength lies in volunteering, where each one is contributing according to their skills and competencies.

The LAJUV-SV is also responsible for the large youth activities, including the National Youth Festival organized by the Secretariat of State for Youth and Sports, Youth Week Mindelense promoted by the Municipality of San Vicente, and voluntary activities such as planting trees , cleaning campaigns, blood donation, protection of marine biodiversity (turtles), ..., held in St. Vincent.


The LAJUV-SV's main purposes:
provide a space for dialogue, exchange of positions and viewpoints among member organizations;
reflect on the aspirations of youth in S. Vicente in particular by fostering debate and discussion about their situation and problems;
contribute to the promotion and development of youth associations;
assumed as liaison with the powers that be and claim the right to be consulted on all matters pertaining to youth sãovicentina in general;
technical and scientific support to member organizations;
assume a position of dialogue and exchange with counterpart foreign organizations;
publish and support the dissemination of work on youth;
develop and support the organization of activities of a social, cultural and sports.

Structure and functioning
The bodies of the LAJUV-SV:
General Assembly;
the Audit Committee.
The duration of the elective is two years.
The General Assembly meets once a year in the first quarter, and extraordinarily at the request of the Steering Board of the General or 1 / 4 of its members.
The Board meets twice a month and extraordinarily at the request of any of its members.

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